At Green Wing Inc, we're not just a tutoring business; we're a catalyst for transformation. We strive to be a world-class organization and are fully invested in the success of our students, tutors, and employees. We provide in-home, one-on-one tutoring for students of all ages and all subjects. By joining the our tutor roster, you will work with a dynamic team to influence the lives of hundreds of students and families! We are looking for a candidate with a solid understanding in the field of education and a passion for transforming students so that they can reach their full potential. Our ideal candidate is an experienced tutor and/or teacher who must be able to adapt to different learning styles. We want our tutors to have the integrity and knowledge to push students to excel beyond expectations. Our best tutors should enjoy motivating and inspiring students to be the best that they can be! Job Overview: High School Tutor -- Part-Time
Gallery Manager Location Palm Beach Gardens, FL : We are seeking a dynamic Auction and Consignment Gallery Manager to lead our store specializing..., designer clothing and handbags, antiques, furniture, art, and collectibles. This role is ideal for someone with a keen...
...Job Description Job Description If you are an experienced auto detailer who is committed to delivering the best quality product for customers and takes pride in your work, we want you on our team. You will spend your time ensuring that the customer's cars are immaculate...
...learners, we encourage you to apply for the role of Substitute Teacher in our district. Qualifications: Bachelor's Degree or Higher Proficient in English (speaking, reading, writing) Responsibilities: Provide meaningful instruction to students in assigned...
...customer service and a seamless dining experience, both in-person and online. Job Summary: We are looking for a Virtual Chat Assistant to manage online customer inquiries and provide support through live chat. The ideal candidate is personable, tech-savvy, and...
...Work for the city you love!!! The Public Works department and the Planning and Development department are seeking a Landscape Architect each. Did you know as a City of Jacksonville employee, you would also have 12 paid holidays and a personal leave day...